Is Amoxicillin Vegan? What Is It Made Of?

By Anett Rannamets. Updated: April 2023.
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Amoxicillin is a vegan antibiotic. It is usually made in the lab or derived from bacteria or fungus growing in soil.

When it comes to skincare, it is an antibacterial medicine that is used to treat acne. Amoxicillin is only prescribed by doctors. Although the substance itself is vegan-friendly, it can often reach users in gelatin-based capsules. But let’s take a closer look.

What is Amoxicillin And Why Is it Used In Skincare?

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic used to cure bacterial infections. In skincare, Amoxicillin is mostly used to treat bacterial acne. Amoxicillin can also be used to treat severe rosacea. It usually takes three to four months to cure the condition.

Amoxicillin belongs to a group of medicine called penicillin-type antibiotics. They work by stopping the bacteria from multiplying and growing in the body.

The antibiotic is commonly used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia. As well as bacterial infections in the urinary tract, nose, throat, or ears. Amoxicillin also treats bacterial skin conditions and inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne is one that causes cysts and purulent pustules.

For everyday pimples and blackheads, it does not work. These concerns often lie elsewhere than in inflammation and the growth of bacteria.

What Is Amoxicillin Made Of?

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic obtained from the soil where penicillium-type fungi grows. Amoxicillin is removed from the soil and then purified to prepare a consumable antibiotic.

In skincare, products and active ingredients often need to be applied to the skin. But antibiotics should be taken orally. So, Amoxicillin usually comes in tablet, liquid, or capsule form. However, strict vegans need to be careful with the latter.

Capsules used in the pharmaceutical industry are often made of gelatin. So Amoxicillin may lose its ‘100% vegan’ label as a medicine.

Fortunately, it is possible to administer the drug in a completely vegan version. We recommend asking your doctor before the purchase of a prescription drug. It is likely possible to prescribe Amoxicillin that is not encapsulated in gelatin.

FAQ About Amoxicillin

What is Amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is a vegan antibiotic used to cure bacterial infections. It belongs to a group of medicine called penicillin-type antibiotics.

What is Amoxicillin made of?

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic obtained from the soil where penicillium-type fungi grows. Amoxicillin is removed from the soil and then purified to prepare a consumable antibiotic.

Is Amoxicillin vegan?

Yes, Amoxicillin itself is vegan. The antibiotic is derived from the bacteria and fungi that grow in the soil. However, Amoxicillin often comes in capsules that could be made of gelatine.


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic used to treat inflammation. In skincare, it refers to inflammatory acne. Amoxicillin is a prescription medicine.

The active ingredient Amoxicillin is vegan. However, it sometimes comes in capsules, which may be gelatin-based. Fortunately, there are also vegan-friendly forms like tablets or liquid. We recommend that you consult your doctor before purchasing.

See also: Vegan Skincare for Acne

Anett is a passionate journalist, writer, and magazine editor with almost 7 years of experience. Through engaging articles, she brings kinder and more environmentally-friendly choices closer to everybody.