Is Doxycycline Vegan? What Is Doxycycline Made Of?

By Anett Rannamets. Updated: April 2023.
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Doxycycline is vegan. Doxycycline is a vegan antibiotic, used in skincare to treat acne. It is man-made aka synthetic. So, the active ingredient does not include animal-based ingredients at all.

This antibiotic treats a wide range of infections and inflammations. But how does it work? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is Doxycycline And What Is It Made Of?

The active ingredient doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. An antibiotic that is effective against a large number of different bacteria. Its most important area is bacterial infections.

Doxycycline is a man-made aka synthetic active compound. An antibiotic derived from tetracycline. The latter is obtained by fermenting certain bacteria. Such as streptomyces or actinobacteria. 

Antibiotics are produced with the help of industrial microbiology. Scientists form a growth-promoting environment in large containers. And then place the source in them and wait for the microorganism to grow. 

During the process, they monitor closely the pH level, temperature and other parameters in order to obtain optimal reproduction of these essential microorganisms.

Why Is Doxycycline Used In Skincare?

Doxycycline is used in skincare because it helps to cure acne. The antibiotic stops the inflammation and heals the skin.

The active ingredient treats various infectious diseases. Examples include bacterial respiratory infections. But the antibiotic can also be administered for skin diseases. Such as rosacea and already mentioned acne vulgaris.

Doxycycline is an antibiotic prescribed only by a professional. The dosage and duration of use depend on the type and severity of the skin problem. And the patient should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Doxycycline’s special property is its ability to penetrate membranes. It is therefore also suitable for intracellular localized pathogens. But in skincare, doxycycline treats acne. Doxycycline is absorbed almost completely when given orally. 

The active ingredient prevents bacteria from multiplying by blocking protein synthesis. The production of protein building blocks that are essential for bacteria to grow. As a result, the bacteria no longer spreads. And the inflammation heals.

Therapy with doxycycline can temporarily impair vision and the ability to react. That makes driving a car or operating other machines dangerous.

Doxycycline makes the skin more sensitive to light. So, sunbathing and solarium should also be avoided during the treatment period.

The antibiotic is usually prescribed to be taken in the form of tablets and capsules. The active ingredient itself is vegan. But capsules can sometimes include non-vegan materials. Such as gelatin.

FAQ About Doxycycline

What is doxycycline?

The active ingredient doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. An antibiotic that is effective against a large number of different bacteria. Its most important area is bacterial infections.

What is doxycycline made of?

Doxycycline is a man-made aka synthetic active compound. An antibiotic derived from tetracycline. The latter is obtained by fermenting certain bacteria.

Is doxycycline vegan?

Yes, doxycycline is a vegan antibiotic. It is man-made aka synthetic. So, the active ingredient does not include animal-based ingredients at all. However, the antibiotic is usually prescribed to be taken in the form of tablets and capsules. And capsules can sometimes include non-vegan components.


Doxycycline is a powerful antibiotic that treats inflammation, including acne. The active ingredient itself is synthetic and suitable for vegans.

However, doxycycline is often put in capsules that may contain animal ingredients. Luckily, the same active ingredient exists often in many different forms. For example, a regular tablet is more likely to be vegan-friendly than a capsule.

See also: Vegan Skincare Products, Vegan Skincare for Acne Prone Skin

Anett is a passionate journalist, writer, and magazine editor with almost 7 years of experience. Through engaging articles, she brings kinder and more environmentally-friendly choices closer to everybody.