Max Mara Cuts Fur – But Sends An Unsettling Response To Activists

By Liis Hainla. Published: August 2024.
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Max Mara has announced a comprehensive fur-free policy, joining major fashion brands committed to animal welfare. While this decision is a positive step forward, the brand’s reaction has been less than encouraging.

The Italian fashion house’s reluctance and defensive stance may undermine their newfound commitment to cruelty-free practices, leaving some to question the sincerity of their change of heart.

A Milestone for Animal Rights

The Fur Free Alliance (FFA) has celebrated Max Mara’s transition to a fur-free policy as a major victory in their global campaign against animal cruelty. This achievement follows a relentless campaign involving over 270,000 emails, 5,000 phone calls, and widespread social media activism. The pressure applied by activists included eye-catching tactics such as a hot air balloon emblazoned with anti-fur messages flying over Max Mara’s headquarters.

Joh Vinding, Chairman of the Fur Free Alliance, expressed appreciation for the brand’s decision, highlighting that Max Mara’s new stance aligns with a growing list of fashion giants embracing cruelty-free alternatives. This shift not only spares countless animals from suffering but also reflects broader changes within the fashion industry towards more humane practices.

Max Mara’s Unsettling Response

Despite the positive outcome, Max Mara’s reaction to the fur-free announcement has been less than celebratory.

The brand issued a statement emphasizing that they had already ceased selling fur products for several seasons and did not release a public statement regarding their policy change. Their communication focused instead on defending their position against perceived pressure and alleged violence from activists, particularly in the United States.

Max Mara’s response included the following statement: 

“We confirm that the brands of the Max Mara Fashion Group have not been selling fur products for some seasons,” the company stated, denying the release of any public statement.

“Through internal communication, we have reassured our employees, who have been subjected to pressure and violence — particularly in the United States — that the company has long chosen not to use fur in its products and that we will explore all available legal solutions to protect them from systematic privacy violations and repeated psychological abuse.”

In a rather defensive tone, Max Mara asserted their intent to explore legal actions against what they described as systematic privacy violations and psychological abuse directed at their employees. This approach suggests that while the company has adopted a fur-free policy, their attitude towards the activists who pressured them into this decision remains fraught with tension and discontent.

The Missed PR Opportunity

Max Mara’s reluctance to embrace their fur-free status with open enthusiasm is a missed opportunity for positive public relations. A more gracious acknowledgment of the activists’ efforts and a celebration of their own policy shift could have enhanced their brand image and reinforced their commitment to ethical practices.

Instead, the defensive posture might leave consumers, particularly those who are vegan or environmentally conscious, feeling disillusioned with the brand’s sincerity.

By failing to fully embrace their newfound stance against animal cruelty, Max Mara risks alienating a segment of the market that values transparency and genuine ethical commitment. The brand’s attitude contrasts sharply with the more proactive and celebratory responses of other fashion houses that have recently adopted fur-free policies.

Activists: The True Champions of Change

It is essential to recognize the crucial role played by activists in driving this significant change. The efforts of the Fur Free Alliance and other animal protection organizations have been instrumental in challenging the status quo and pushing major brands towards more humane practices. Their persistence and dedication have led to tangible outcomes, demonstrating the power of grassroots advocacy in shaping industry standards.

Rather than viewing these activists as adversaries, it is important to appreciate their role as catalysts for progress. Their work has not only influenced Max Mara but has also contributed to a broader movement towards cruelty-free fashion. Supporting these efforts aligns with a commitment to ethical consumerism and encourages more brands to follow suit.

Looking Ahead

While Max Mara’s decision to go fur-free is commendable, their attitude towards the process reveals a complex and sometimes problematic narrative. The brand’s reluctance to fully embrace and celebrate this change may overshadow the positive impact of their new policy. As consumers and advocates, it is crucial to remain vigilant and support brands that demonstrate genuine commitment to ethical practices without the pretense of reluctance.

In the end, the real victory lies not just in the policy changes themselves but in the collective efforts of activists and consumers who continue to push for a more compassionate world.

My name is Liis. I've been a vegan for a long time and advocate for the vegan lifestyle. Through Vegan Avenue, I write about the latest vegan news, trends, events, and all things related to the vegan lifestyle.