We are devoted to serving you, our reader. Below is some basic information about Vegan Avenue’s editorial guidelines.
The editorial goal is to help readers find the best possible vegan products out there. We are aiming to help our readers find a vegan substitute for their everyday needs to save needless animal suffering. We hold ourselves responsible for providing as accurate information as possible. In fact, we have a medical review board to ensure the accuracy of our claims.
If you spot any mistakes or inaccuracies, do not hesitate to contact our editor-in-chief Liis Hainla liis@veganavenue.com.
We have a clear distance between our advertisers and content. See more on how we review products and brands.
How we are able to keep the lights up
Sometimes, when we link to products, we may receive a commission from the products we are linking to. This, however, doesn’t mean that we will feature companies that do not meet our quality guidelines.
We are devoted in putting the spotlight to vegan companies that have a mission and provide the best possible vegan products for that category.
Sometimes, we might have advertisements on Vegan Avenue.
You can read more about our Amazon disclaimer here. If you have any questions you can always contact us. Read more about Vegan Avenue here.