31 Celebrities Who Are Proudly Vegan in 2024

By Liis Hainla. Updated: September 2024.
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In 2024, the landscape of celebrity diets and lifestyles is more dynamic than ever. With a growing number of stars embracing veganism, the trend is no longer just a niche movement but a widespread phenomenon. 

However, the world of plant-based living is not without its complexities—many celebrities have flirted with veganism, others have transitioned back to non-vegan diets, and some have adopted an almost-vegan lifestyle. 

Amid this evolving landscape, a group of committed celebrities continues to stand out, using their influence to champion a fully vegan lifestyle. Here’s a look at the celebrities who are proudly vegan in 2024, leading the charge for a more compassionate and sustainable world.

1. Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney, legendary member of The Beatles, has been a vocal advocate for vegetarianism and animal rights for decades. He became vegetarian in 1975, influenced by his late wife, Linda McCartney. McCartney transitioned to veganism later in life, motivated by ethical concerns for animals and environmental issues. He co-founded the “Meat Free Monday” campaign to encourage people to reduce their meat consumption.

2. Bill Clinton

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton adopted a plant-based diet after a series of heart surgeries in 2004 and 2010. His decision was primarily health-driven, as he sought to improve his cardiovascular health and reverse heart disease. Clinton’s switch to veganism has been highly publicized, contributing to greater awareness of the diet’s potential health benefits.

3. Ariana Grande

Pop superstar Ariana Grande became vegan in 2013, citing her love for animals as her primary reason. Grande has frequently expressed her belief in treating animals with kindness and has used her platform to encourage her fans to consider a plant-based diet. She consistently advocates for veganism through her social media channels, promoting compassion toward animals.

4. Joaquin Phoenix

Oscar-winning actor Joaquin Phoenix is a lifelong vegan, having been raised in a vegan family. Phoenix is a dedicated animal rights activist and has been involved in numerous campaigns against animal cruelty. His powerful acceptance speech at the 2020 Oscars highlighted the ethical and environmental reasons for his vegan lifestyle.

5. Natalie Portman

Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman became vegetarian at age nine and switched to veganism in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Eating Animals. Portman is a strong advocate for animal rights and environmental sustainability and even produced a documentary based on the book that inspired her.

6. Lewis Hamilton

Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton switched to a vegan diet in 2017. Hamilton, known for his dedication to fitness and well-being, was driven by concerns about animal welfare, health, and environmental impact. He has since been a vocal advocate for veganism, encouraging his millions of followers to consider a plant-based lifestyle.

7. Moby

Musician and activist Moby has been vegan since 1987, making him one of the earliest adopters of the lifestyle on this list. Moby is deeply committed to animal rights and environmental causes, using his music and public appearances to advocate for veganism.

8. Billie Eilish

Grammy-winning artist Billie Eilish was raised vegetarian and became vegan in 2014. Eilish is passionate about animal rights and frequently uses her social media platforms to raise awareness about the benefits of veganism and the cruelties of animal agriculture.

9. Lizzo

Pop sensation Lizzo transitioned to a vegan lifestyle in 2020, sharing her journey on social media. Lizzo often posts about her plant-based meals and the positive impact veganism has had on her health and well-being. She is also vocal about the environmental benefits of a vegan diet.

10. Pamela Anderson

Actress and activist Pamela Anderson is a longtime vegan and animal rights advocate. Anderson, a PETA supporter, has been involved in numerous campaigns against animal cruelty and is outspoken about the ethical reasons for her dietary choices. She uses her platform to promote veganism and has consistently advocated for animal rights.

11. Benedict Cumberbatch

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, best known for his roles in Sherlock and Doctor Strange, adopted a vegan diet several years ago. Cumberbatch has been named one of PETA’s Sexiest Vegans and has spoken about his choice as being driven by health, ethical, and environmental reasons.

12. Jessica Chastain

Actress Jessica Chastain has been vegan since 2007, primarily for health reasons. After experiencing fatigue and high cholesterol, she adopted a plant-based diet and noticed significant improvements in her well-being. Chastain has since become a vocal advocate for veganism.

13. Peter Dinklage

Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage has been vegetarian since childhood and vegan since 2014. Dinklage is a passionate animal rights activist and has worked with PETA on several campaigns to promote the benefits of a cruelty-free lifestyle.

14. Novak Djokovic

Tennis champion Novak Djokovic adopted a plant-based diet in 2010, motivated by the positive impact it had on his performance and health. Djokovic has credited his diet for his endurance on the court and opened a vegan restaurant in Monte Carlo to promote plant-based eating.

15. Will.I.Am

Musician and producer Will.I.Am went vegan in 2017 after experiencing health issues, including high blood pressure and cholesterol. Since making the switch, he has lost weight and improved his overall health. Will.I.Am is now an advocate for veganism, often sharing his experiences on social media.

16. Lenny Kravitz

Rock star Lenny Kravitz maintains a mostly raw vegan diet, focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables. Kravitz has shared that his diet is crucial to his health and fitness, allowing him to maintain his energy levels and physique.

17. Woody Harrelson

Actor Woody Harrelson has been vegan for over 30 years, initially adopting the lifestyle after discovering he was lactose intolerant. Harrelson is also an environmental activist and advocates for sustainable living practices, including a plant-based diet.

18. RZA

Rapper and producer RZA, a member of the Wu-Tang Clan, has been vegan since the late 1990s. RZA’s choice is driven by ethical concerns for animals, and he has been an outspoken advocate for veganism in the music industry.

19. Jane Goodall

World-renowned primatologist Jane Goodall adopted a vegetarian lifestyle in the 1970s and later transitioned to veganism. Goodall’s decision was driven by her deep respect for animals and her commitment to conservation and environmentalism.

20. Colin Kaepernick

Former NFL quarterback and activist Colin Kaepernick has been vegan since 2016. Kaepernick’s decision was influenced by his commitment to social justice, including animal rights and environmental issues.

21. Carey Mulligan

Oscar-nominated actress Carey Mulligan has been a vegan for several years, motivated by health, ethical, and environmental reasons. She has spoken about the positive impact a plant-based diet has had on her energy levels and overall health.

22. Finneas O’Connell

Music producer and brother to Billie Eilish, Finneas has been vegan since 2014. Like his sister, Finneas is an advocate for animal rights and environmental sustainability, often using his platform to promote a plant-based lifestyle.

23. Emma Stone

Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone has also embraced a vegan lifestyle. Stone, known for her roles in films like La La Land and The Favourite, has been vocal about her commitment to animal rights and the environmental benefits of a vegan diet.

24. Ruby Rose

Australian actress and model Ruby Rose, known for her roles in Orange Is the New Black and Batwoman, has been a dedicated vegan for several years. Rose adopted veganism for ethical reasons, particularly out of concern for animal rights and environmental sustainability. 

25. Jermaine Dupri

Music producer and rapper Jermaine Dupri has been vegan since 2004. His decision was driven by health concerns, and he has since become a strong advocate for veganism, particularly in the Black community, promoting it as a means to achieve better health.

26. Alicia Silverstone

Actress Alicia Silverstone, famous for her role in Clueless, has been vegan since 1998. Silverstone is a passionate animal rights activist and author of The Kind Diet, a book that promotes veganism and its benefits for health, animals, and the planet.

27. Brian May

Queen guitarist Brian May adopted a vegan diet in 2020, motivated by his growing concerns about animal welfare and the environmental impact of animal agriculture. May is also an activist, supporting causes related to animal rights and conservation.

28. Patrik Baboumian

Strongman competitor Patrik Baboumian, known for his incredible feats of strength, has been vegan since 2011. Baboumian adopted the lifestyle for ethical reasons and has since become an advocate for veganism, proving that a plant-based diet can support extreme physical strength.

29. Madelaine Petsch

Actress Madelaine Petsch, best known for her role as Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale, has been vegan her entire life. Raised in a vegan family, Petsch is a strong advocate for animal rights and environmental sustainability. She frequently shares her vegan lifestyle on social media, offering tips and recipes to her followers.

30. Casey Affleck

Casey Affleck, the acclaimed actor and director, is a committed vegan who has been outspoken about his reasons for adopting a plant-based lifestyle. Affleck’s decision to avoid meat and other animal products stems from both health concerns and ethical considerations. He has emphasized that animal products are not only detrimental to human health but are also the result of a “violent and inhumane industry.”

31. Mayim Bialik

Actress and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik, best known for her role on The Big Bang Theory, has been vegan for over a decade. Bialik’s decision is rooted in her commitment to animal rights and environmental sustainability. She actively promotes veganism through her social media channels and her website, Grok Nation.

This list showcases how veganism has transcended its niche origins and is embraced by a diverse range of celebrities who use their influence to promote compassion, health, and sustainability. 

Whether driven by ethical concerns, health benefits, or environmental issues, these stars demonstrate that a plant-based lifestyle is both powerful and impactful.

My name is Liis. I've been a vegan for a long time and advocate for the vegan lifestyle. Through Vegan Avenue, I write about the latest vegan news, trends, events, and all things related to the vegan lifestyle.